Good Hair Day

If I were Julie Andrews, I’d be singing about wine, chocolate, cheese, good hair days and eyelash curlers as a few of my favourite things.  I can usually tell if I will have a good hair day right after the shower while it’s still wet.  Maybe I didn’t rub all the conditioner out or my hair knows if I am in a grumpy mood and follow suit, but whatever the reason for those bad hair days, the way it falls after I brush tells me if it’s going to be a good one or not.  I would say I have medium curly hair, if the scale went from slightly to extra curly.  When I last cut my hair, it was so damaged I had to have about 8 inches taken off, so now if I leave it curly my hair looks like a triangle.  All those with curly hair know what I mean.  So, if I have plans I usually straighten it.

Last weekend the Hubby and I had a party to attend, and I was having a good hair day.  Then it got even better.  The kids sometimes brush my hair, which I should add to my favourite things.  My daughter, A, had a friend over, but the boys F and L wanted to brush my hair.  They took turns, first with the regular brush, and then the round brush.  They tuck it behind my ear, or brush it over my eyes and giggle.  Then we painted our nails.  L wanted pink, but only on half of his nail pink because he only likes pink a little bit, and gold.  F wanted brown, the same as me.  The Hubby came home and I told him about our day and he laughed and said “great” sarcastically but I know it doesn’t bother him.  It was a great day, and my hair was so smooth my friend hosting the party noticed!

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